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Corporate Relocation Survey History

The first and longest-running survey of relocation policies and practices.

The world has seen many firsts more than 50 years since our first survey. The first man on the moon (1969). The appointment of the first woman to the Supreme Court (1981). The first web browser (1990).

Each year, we supply the questions and relocation professionals provide the answers. The result is a wealth of collected information. Findings reveal movements a year at a time, like the frames of an animation sequence. They enable trend-spotting with foresight. Economic expectations, spousal benefits, lump-sum reimbursements... the rise and fall of these and other policy issues came as no surprise to readers of our reporting and analysis.

What began in the era of pen and paper is now comfortably part of the digital age. We invite you to bring your perspective to this effort next year. Put your name on the list for the next year's survey. You'll receive a link by email in January. Click here now to see if you qualify.

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