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More Relocations Last Year, More Expected in 2015, Budgets Finally Rebounding

Last year brought gains in relocation volumes: nearly half of all companies saw increases. More than half of mid-size and large firms reported increases, as did over a third of small firms. Over half of firms across company size saw international volumes increase indicating international relocation activity levels universally increased, although overall relocation volumes trended lower for small firms in comparison to larger ones. Few saw volume decreases, either overall or internationally. Expectations for 2015 are positive: nearly half anticipate further increases overall and internationally. Mid-size and large firms are more optimistic; small firms relocating internationally are more positive compared to small firms overall (42% vs. 31% expect increases).

While volumes increased following the Great Recession, budgets did not keep pace. However, nearly half of companies last year reported budget increases, a significant jump from the roughly one-third or fewer firms with post-recession increases. Mid-size firms were most likely to see budgets swell, and mid-size and small firms saw larger increases than did large firms compared to the previous year’s percentages. Almost half of all firms believe their budgets will increase again in 2015, with mid-size and large firms showing the most optimism. Few firms expect budget decreases.

  • The median numbers of relocations remained at historical, non-recessionary norms for large firms (200-399). However, the medians ticked upward for small firms (10-19 vs. 1-9) and mid-size firms (50-99 vs. 20-49).
  • The greatest growth in relocation occurred among international firms; more than half reported increases in both overall volumes and budgets. More than half expect both volume and budget increases in 2015, while just over a third of regional and national firms are as optimistic.
  • Across industries, more manufacturing/processing firms (59%) and financial firms (55%) reported increases in overall relocation volumes. Manufacturing/processing firms were the most likely to see corresponding increases to budgets (58%) and to expect budget increases (57%) for 2015. Nearly two-thirds of manufacturing/processing firms last year saw international relocations increase as well.
Question 1
Number of employees relocated in 2014
Chart Q1
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Question 2
Companies that relocate employees between countries
Chart Q2
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Question 3
Is your company...
Chart Q3
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Question 4
Compared to 2013, did the number of employees you relocated...
Chart Q4
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Question 5
Compared to 2013, did your 2014 relocation budget...
Chart Q5
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Question 6
The number of employees your company will relocate during 2015 will...
Chart Q6
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Question 7
Do you anticipate that Your relocation budget in 2015 will...
Chart Q7
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Question 43a
Did the number of employees your company relocated internationally during 2014?
Chart Q43a
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Question 43b
Do you anticipate that the number of employees your company will relocate internationally during 2015 will...
Chart Q43b
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