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Far more firms cited spouse/partner employment as affecting employee relocations "almost always" or "frequently" than at any time over the past twelve years (62% vs. roughly half or less). Historically, small firms see this as a regular occurrence roughly half the time, and this year’s level is similar (58%). The effect is more acute for other firms: an increase of more than 20 percentage points since 2013 for mid-size firms (65% vs. 43%) after an increase to 54% last year, and nearly double for large firms since last year (62% vs. 32%).

With these dramatic shifts it is not surprising that far more firms than ever now offer spouse/partner employment assistance. Firms of all sizes are driving the increase; however, it continues to be offered more often by mid-size (69%) and large (72%) firms than by small firms (54%).

  • Mid-size and large firms are more likely than small firms to offer resume preparation assistance (43% and 41% vs. 26%) or outplacement/career services from an outside firm (44% and 38% vs. 26%). Mid-size firms are more likely than small or large firms are to help a spouse or partner find employment outside the company (41% vs. 25% and 23%). Nearly half of all firms, regardless of size, offer networking assistance for accompanying spouses/partners, and a third or more offer interviewing skills training or help in finding employment within the company.
  • Mid-size and small firms offering such assistance report that roughly one fourth of relocated employees with a spouse/partner used it; large firms indicate it was used by roughly a third.
Question 38
Chart Q38
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Question 39
Companies that allow the hiring of spouses of employees
Chart Q39
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Question 39a
Companies that assist an employee's spouse or partner in finding employment in the new location
Chart Q39a
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Question 39b-1
Methods of spousal/partner employment assistance
Chart Q39b-1
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Question 39b-2
Methods of spousal/partner employment assistance
Chart Q39b-2
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Question 39c
Approximate percentage of relocated employees with a spouse/partner who used employment assistancee
Chart Q39
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Around three-fourths of companies offer to help find jobs for spouses or partners relocating internationally, far more than ever measured previously. Over the past seven years, levels of spousal assistance for international and domestic moves were nearly identical; this year, assistance to spouses/partners of internationally relocating employees is even more likely. In the past, mid-size and large firms were far more likely to offer spousal assistance internationally. Now assistance levels are nearly identical for companies of all sizes that relocate employees abroad. Small firms remain less likely to offer assistance domestically, even as mid-size and large firms offer international and domestic assistance at high levels.

Question 43k-1
Method of employment assistance for internationally relocated employee's spouse or partner
Chart Q43k
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Question 43k-2
Method of employment assistance for internationally relocated employee's spouse or partner
Chart Q43k-2
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Family Assistance

As family issues/ties and spouse/partner employment exert pressure on relocations, even as the housing crisis diminishes, and employee reluctance is returning to recessionary levels, it is clear greater support is needed for relocating employees. Research shows that growing percentages of adults are finding themselves caring for both older family members and children. These individuals often head more affluent/high earning households and are part of the highly educated pool employers tap for relocation. The survey this year reflects far greater accommodations being made overall for childcare (64% vs. 31%-43% historically) and elder care (53% vs. 16%-26% historically), even if the provision is merely a list of possible centers or service providers for support during relocation. Mid-size and large firms are far more likely to offer family assistance than small firms are, although the percentages offering assistance have increased substantially across company size.

Question 36-1
Companies offering elder care assistance
Chart Q36-1
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Question 36-2
Elder care assistance offered
Chart Q36-2
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Question 37-1
Companies offering child care assistance
Chart Q37-1
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Question 37-2
Child care assistance offered
Chart Q37-2
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